ABOVE: "WASHDAY IN THE NAVY" by Art-Bob 1611 North Avenue 56 Los Angeles 42, California. Readers will remember having seen the primary figure on the cover of the last issue of Physique Pictorial (Fall 55). A number of curious customers wrote in asking what the seated figure might have looked like, so we present the entire drawing here. We particularly like the manner in which Art draws faces. He gives them a perfection we should all like to be gifted with. Recently we have been negotiating with a very talented New York artist who does magnificent figure rendering, but his faces too are all too realistic--he believes in portraying what he sees--to show lines of character and maturity, rather than the "empty simpleness of youth". Perhaps there is a basic difference in philosophies involved here. We at Pictorial feel that in addition to the health motives, it is often the desire to retain (or regain) youth that many of us take such an active interest in physical culture. To be sure, the little signs of aging are no disgrace but most of these can be considerably postponed and often prevented. Having the inspiration of youth before us helps those of us who are a bit older to picture ourselves also in the golden season of life. We tend to become the mental picture we have of ourselves. But if enough readers want representations of greater maturity we shall gladly oblidge.

Art-Bob offers an 8x10 print of all three of the drawings he has loaned us for this issue for $3. Since he makes no charge to the magazine for the use of his splendid work, we urge you to support him. He expects soon to make his entire collection available in 4x5 inch prints.

ATHENS STUDIOS WILL PAINT YOU AS YOU'D LIKE TO BE!. Ever wonder what you'd look like with a perfect build? If you will send $10 and any photograph (either physique, in clothes, or just a portrait of yourself) along with a list of the dimensions and measurements you'd like to have, Athen's artist Ray Richardson will do a realistic likeness in oils on 8x10 canvas board (Will be prepared on 16x20 frameable stretched canvas for $25.) If you are beginning bodybuilding now, you might like to visualize what your own body will look like with those extra inches of muscle you are seeking. You can write to Mr. Richardson personally at Athens Studio, Box 77561 Station D., Los Angeles 7, California. Page 16

ABOVE: "LIFE-SAVERS" by Art-Bob. Though this theme has been treated humorously above, we all realize the seriousness of knowing how to render first aid. Your local Red Cross will provide you with a pamphlet on first aid, and arrange a free course for you if you have the time. RETURN OF CIVIL RIGHTS. Though we reported in the Spring 55 edition of Physique Pictorial that in California homes were searched without warrants and that so-called "evidence" thus obtained was admissable in our courts, we have since had the famous Cahan decision. Our state Supreme court has ruled that evidence obtained illegally may not be admitted. Los Angeles' police chief protested bitterly against such restraints on police power, but most of the courts as well has California's Attorney General and Los Angeles County's District Attorney hailed the wise decision and were willing to accept the challenge of complete honesty and integrity in law enforcements. Two wrongs never make a right. COMIC BOOKS.....Though both the California Senate and Assembly had passed a bill banning certain comic books, Governor Goodwin Knight pocket-vetoed the bill because he had been advised it was unconstitutional. The ACLU had vigorusly fought the bill because any censorship is the wedge which could gradually rob Americans of their right of a free press--a forerunner of dictatorships. As parents they abhor any book which glorifies crime, viciousness or wanton immorality, but they recognize that education and not censorship is the answer. As a health measure, the writer would like to see everyone give up smoking and drinking, but would vigorously fight any law requiring mandatory abstinance. Page 17